Using the latest technologies with a Very High Accuracy.
Trusted by over 100+ Major Organizations, Billionaires, Multi Millionaires and other Persons who want to protect themselves, their Family, and their Assets.
We Keep You Safe – Preventively.
Increased Anti Surveillance Protection
MEGA automatically alerts you when risk and threat increasing correlations, at one or different locations, are detected
With the use of Deep Learning, MEGA automatically recognizes (for camera and human eye invisible) threats
Capture real-time more insights when and where, what is constantly happening around you, your family, and your assets
If you often visit a location or if you often drive a fixed route, you will be automatically alerted when patterns suddenly deviate
Security cameras have blind spots so vital intelligence can be overlooked, MEGA detects within the configured radius
Unrecognizable becomes Recognizable. Unlike security cameras, MEGA identifies all unrecognizable suspects around you
MEGA identifies real-time and forensically when surveillance teams are surveilling you even if they change vehicles
MEGA’s smart AI technology sends you fact data predictions, based on correlations and pattern recognition
Discover and receive real-time alerts when attackers are investigating you, your family and your assets
MegaProtected --- We Keep You Protected.