Designed to protect your privacy and assets!
Discover in real-time when they are observing you.
Even when you don’t see them around you.
We have the following solutions available:
Plug & Play ► IMSI Catcher
Detecting IMSI’s with our mobile (portable) Passive IMSI Catcher / Phone Identity Catcher.
Including intuitive – user-friendly: whitelist – blacklist – automatic correlation configurations.
As example: Receive an Alert when IMSI’s are moving around your property at night.
Plug & Play ► IMSI Catcher Detector
With the knowledge of building Active and Passive IMSI Catchers, we are also protecting you.
With this IMSI Catcher Detector you prevent yourself from becoming a victim of an attack.
Receive early warnings when Cell Site Simulators are operational in your vicinity.
Plug & Play ► Micro IMSI / IMEI Catcher
Micro, small, portable and operational in a regular (7 inch / 17 cm) backpack.
Target mobile devices targeted, catching on 2G – 3G – 4G – 5G both the IMSI + IMEI.
Extremely affordable. With an operational distance from 20, 100 up to 200 meters.
Know exactly what is happening around your property.
Recognize when unknown persons move towards and around your assets.
Get a notification when 500m to 5KM IMSI Catchers are operational around you.
Be better protected against IMSI Catcher attacks with our IMSI Catcher Detector
Recognize when you are being followed. Discover if someone is observing you.
Receive Early Warnings when unrecognizable intruders are close to your property.
MegaProtected --- We Keep You Protected.