
Prevent being observed
without knowing it .

Anti Surveillance + Surveillance Detection

Discover if you are being observed


Designed to protect your privacy and assets!

Discover in real-time when they are observing you.


Even when you don’t see them around you.

Real-Time: Anti Surveillance + Surveillance Detection

We have the following solutions available:

Plug & Play ► IMSI Catcher

Detecting IMSI’s with our mobile (portable) Passive IMSI Catcher / Phone Identity Catcher.
Including intuitive – user-friendly: whitelist – blacklist – automatic correlation configurations.
As example: Receive an Alert when IMSI’s are moving around your property at night.

Plug & Play ► IMSI Catcher Detector

With the knowledge of building Active and Passive IMSI Catchers, we are also protecting you.
With this IMSI Catcher Detector you prevent yourself from becoming a victim of an attack.
Receive early warnings when Cell Site Simulators are operational in your vicinity.

Plug & Play ► Micro IMSI / IMEI Catcher

Micro, small, portable and operational in a regular (7 inch / 17 cm) backpack.

Target mobile devices targeted, catching on 2G – 3G – 4G – 5G both the IMSI + IMEI.

Extremely affordable. With an operational distance from 20, 100 up to 200 meters.

Plug & Play Passive
IMSI Catcher

Know exactly what is happening around your property.

Recognize when unknown persons move towards and around your assets.

Plug & Play IMSI Catcher

Get a notification when 500m to 5KM IMSI Catchers are operational around you.

Be better protected against IMSI Catcher attacks with our IMSI Catcher Detector

Plug & Play Property +
Asset Protector

Recognize when you are being followed. Discover if someone is observing you.

Receive Early Warnings when unrecognizable intruders are close to your property.