Because cameras only detect a small part, recordings from only a small 45 to 60 degree angle. When installed in a car, it only detects what is happening exactly behind you.

This is why MEGA uses the Mil-Grade IMSI + Signal Catching:

“Signal and Camera Intelligence” Technology.


1) Signal Intelligence detects, recognizes and processes “signals” data real-time – using AI (Deep Learning) – into smart “intelligence”.


2) Additional Camera Intelligence, to validate the Signals that are picked up, License Plate Recognition is used.


MEGA Protected warns you preventively.

Especially when you’re out of your safe zone.


Receive early warnings when you are being followed, observed or monitored.


Know what is happening (invisibly and unnoticed) always and

everywhere around you. So that you are proactively prepared.

Which is the reason, why MEGA use of the Mil-Grade IMSI + Signal Catching in as a total solution with Camera License Plate Recognition:

“Signal and Camera Intelligence” Technology.


1) Signal Intelligence detects, recognizes and processes “signals” data real-time – using AI (Deep Learning) – into smart “intelligence”.


2) Additional Camera Intelligence, to validate the Signals that are picked up, using among other technologies License Plate Recognition.

Such as IMSI Catching signals that are picked up come from: Mobile phone, Smartphones, Smartwatches, Body Worn Cameras, Vehicle Cameras, GPS Trackers, and many more.


Everything a lone attacker or group of attackers carries is used to build an Automatic Risk – Threat – Hazard Profile. So that you are preventively alerted when you are followed or observed.