Property Protector
Safeguard your property, yourself and your loved ones from unwanted surveillance and potential hazards. Deploy our Plug & Play – autonomous operating – systems around your property.
Receive automatic alerts when the system identifies when you are being unwantedly observed. Receive early warnings when unknown, overlooked or unrecoginizable objects move around your property.
Find out if an observation is intensified by detecting repeat visits and interrelationships. Even when they are unrecognizable or overlooked by cameras. Stay informed at any time.
Asset + Property Protector
Secure your assets. Ensure the safety of your warehouses.
With our systems in place, you will receive early warnings of unwanted surveillance. Early detection allows you to take proactive measures to prevent attacks, heists or theft.
The Protector constantly scans for all smartphones in proximity. Because every smartphone sends out several distinctive identities, it can identify who is or was where at that moment based on a timestamp.
Visually identify even unrecognizable (masked or disguised) intruders by correlating previous detections. By correlating video footage from previous unmasked inspections (property visits) with the detection timestamps.
No manual input is required. You only need to whitelist your trusted persons, their devices and vehicles. Once done. Set the ‘opening / closing hours’. Once this is set – it operates entirely autonomous.
Add an extra layer of protection on your existing security measures.
Receive Early Warnings so you or your team can act faster and more proactively.
Learn when you are being followed or observed. While staying completely anonymously.
MegaProtected --- We Keep You Protected.