Be better protected against Eavesdropping + Tracking

Mega Protection against: Eavesdropping - Tracking - Interception.

Learn more about the Most Secure Encrypted Phone



When you work in a sensitive line of work
or with confidential information


You are in need of beyond enterprise grade
encrypted mobile security.

You need a Military-Grade Encrypted Phone.

Why making use of the MEGA SECURE PHONE ?

Let us explain you, why you need a multi-layered encrypted phone.

Secure / Encrypted App Store Apps -> Are not so secure as you might think

Be aware that certain organizations have access to all app store available secure communications apps, and your adversaries will do everything they can to gain access to your communications.

Regular Smartphones make use of App Stores + Advertising IDs + Track your Movements

Regular smartphones are becoming easier to track, all movements are traceable. Everything spoken, typed and searched for is stored in metadata. Attackers no longer even have to install targeted spyware on a smartphone, targeted advertising is increasingly being used for remote surveillance.

Don’t use custom hardware encrypted phones, if you want to work anonymously

Did you know that rogue governments, commercial and state-sponsored hackers use IMSI Catchers to quickly notice when you are using a ‘special’ encrypted smartphone? What you want is to stand out as little as possible. Use a normal-looking smartphone, which is high-quality and (software and hardware) multi-layered encrypted. You want to communicate unobtrusively, secretly and end-to-end encrypted.

The encrypted MEGA SECURE Phone is the ultimate encrypted privacy phone currently available.


In addition to using a fully encrypted operating system, encrypted data-at-rest and encrypted data-in-transfer, it also offers high-quality privacy capabilities.